Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Crossing the Aisle

With November 2nd merely days away and the political buzz in high tempo, word on the street is that the partisan divides are not so cut and dry. Take former Democratic Primary candidate Ernie Greco’s recent well wishes to Mark Zaccaria, Republican candidate to face off against a long time incumbent for RI Congressional District 2. When you consider Zaccaria’s former Republican candidates endorsing Mark Zaccaria in spite of their primary loss, Greco’s statement may speak even louder.

With the economy still suffering from the repeated blows of decisions made in Washington, fiscal responsibility has become a common concern voiced by many of my acquaintances. Collections of politically green, grass-roots, tea drinking or otherwise ordinary and curious individuals are beginning to sprout up and ask questions. Some of them are not so far-fetched.

Perhaps one would ask why the announced Greco support of Zaccaria is of interest. For some, it may be all that is needed to open a mind to the fact that it is not a sin to vote for the “other party”. As Americans, wouldn’t you agree that what is most important is what is best for our Nation? You might overhear Mark say, “it is not about Red Sox vs. Yankees”. What better way to grasp that when you consider the RI quandary.

Decisions supported by the incumbent have yet to be fully felt, but soon will leave our country’s economic state at risk and introduce unthinkable debt to the tax payers. Perhaps these facts will give Greco and me some company when checking the box on November 2.

Sunday, August 22, 2010